
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2021

A promising discovery for a definitive treatment for both types of diabetes

In a step that brings the world closer to the possibility of developing an effective treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, a study conducted by researchers in Germany discovered that promising results are achieved in that direction when disabling one of the receptors that inhibits insulin secretion in the body, if it turns out that this leads to activation and an increase in the level of insulin secretion. sensitivity of the insulin signaling pathway in pancreatic beta cells; This protects these cells and allows them to regenerate and begin to secrete insulin. The study was conducted by a team of researchers under the supervision of the German National Center for Diabetes Research, and was published in the specialized scientific journal Nature, whose results were described as “a milestone in the field of diabetes research.” In laboratory experiments with mice, the researchers sought to explore the consequences of inactivating this inhibitory receptor (IGF1R) by eliminating it in pa

Futur Fusion energy explanation

Fusion energy  explanation  the fundamental currency of our universe  is energy it lights our homes grows our  food powers our computers we can get it lots of ways burning fossil fuels  splitting atoms or sunlight striking photovoltaics but there's a downside to  everything fossil fuels are extremely  toxic nuclear waste is well nuclear  waste and there are not enough batteries  to store sunlight for cloudy days yet and yet the Sun seems to have virtually  limitless free energy is there a way we  could build a Sun on earth can we bottle a star the Sun shines because of nuclear  fusion in a nutshell Fusion is a  thermonuclear process meaning that the  ingredients have to be incredibly hot so  hot that the atoms are stripped of their electrons making a plasma where nuclei  and electrons bounce around freely since   nuclei are all positively charged they  repel each other in order to overcome  this repulsion the particles have to be going very very fast in this context  very fast mean

Le chantier d'Iter : Energie du futur

Visiste du chantier d'Iter : Energie du futur aujourd'hui je vais vous faire visiter un des projets les plus impressionnants les plus complexes et les plus ambitieux qui existent aujourd'hui à 12h 12h30 deux on va parler d'ITER. je ne me sentais pas d'aborder seul un sujet aussi vaste que celui d'iter j'ai donc proposé un collègue bertrand de la chaîne je m'énerve pages explique de faire une vidéo qui va traiter plus de l'aspect historique et théorique de la fusion nucléaire et de vidéos sont indépendantes et peuvent être regardés dans n'importe quelle heure il parlera aussi de la partie chauffage du plasma bon tu es chaud parce que là ça fait longtemps qu'on la tis cette vidéo les gens ils attendent c'est parti je suis incroyablement En 1985 gorbatchev rencontrer galles à genève le secrétaire général du parti communiste de l'union soviétique et le président américain sa corde alors sur un programme de recherche pa